Connecting Our Community to Elderly Long-Term Healthcare Residents in Fort Wayne, IN

Our Focus

At Cardinal Healthcare Solutions in Fort Wayne, IN, we believe in the power of community connections for elderly long-term healthcare residents. We understand that staying socially engaged is vital for their well-being. That's why we're here to help you create a fun and meaningful environment for your residents. Our diverse range of activities and events cater to their interests. We have it all covered, whether it's lively DJ Dance Parties, inspiring Artist Workshops, uplifting Musical Performances, or relaxing Massage Days. We can also assist in organizing sponsored events to enhance their lives even more. Let's work together to foster lasting connections and create a vibrant community. Contact Cardinal Healthcare Solutions today and let us help you create memorable experiences for your long-term care facility residents in Fort Wayne, IN.



Local artist America Carrillo painted this mural as a collaborative art experience. It was designed to showcase memories from past friends or family members. These memories-- submitted by community members-- were laminated on the wall to keep the memory of their loved ones alive. You can still submit your memories to be added to the wall below!

Women Singing In The Concert | Fort Wayne, IN | Cardinal

Music Performances

Studies show that participating in creative arts may improve older adults' health, well-being, and independence. Music is a fantastic way to interact and stimulate brain function. Cardinal HCS is blessed to have Gracie Jo on rotation for phenomenal lyrics and guitar.

Old Woman Painting | Fort Wayne, IN | Cardinal

Artist Workshop

Art is the expression or application of human creative skill and imagination, typically in a visual form such as painting or sculpture, producing works to be appreciated primarily for their beauty or emotional power. Cardinal HCS loves to bring art to the elderly and watch their imagination take off.

A DJ At The Club | Fort Wayne, IN | Cardinal

DJ Dance Parties

Do you have an interactive, younger crowd? Want to liven the facility up with a DJ onsite? Music provides important benefits of both mental and physical stimulation. What better way than to move our bodies?!

Massaging Old Woman | Fort Wayne, IN | Cardinal

Massage for a Cause

Perhaps the most powerful sense of all is touch. Touch boosts the immune system. Touch can calm us and lets us know someone cares. Our team of massage therapists are eager to share their talents and boost morale.


Host a Sponsored Event

Are you an Activity Director, part of the Administration team, friend or family member of a resident in Long Term Care? Would you like us to schedule an event at your facility? Find out how!


Special Talent

Do you have a talent that you would like to showcase? A passion and love for the elderly? We are looking for talented professionals to join our Outreach Program.



Amazing place to work!!!

Nurse F.


amazing place to work and a great crew of employees!

Alyssa S.

Ready to host the perfect community event for your facility? Let Cardinal Help! Call (260) 433-9426 today.

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